A Simple Modern Life

Living a simple, sustainable, modern life… with vintage flair!

Episode 1!! July 11, 2014

Filed under: Living Intentionally — asimplemodernlife @ 4:55 pm
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I have great news! “Tiny House Nation’s” first episode IS available to watch online at FYI’s website!!
(link here)
Here’s a little sneak preview/ spoiler: tiny house
MY enthusiasm was through the roof, people, but my husband was a little more reserved. OK, a LOT more reserved, but I made him watch it with me anyway. ๐Ÿ™‚ It was amazing! A family of 3 moved from their 1300 sq. ft. house into a 172 sq. ft. tiny house. While he and I agreed that we would never go that small, it was very interesting to see the amazing space-saving ideas implemented in such a tiny home.
Luis’ favorite was, of course, the ceiling mounted, swiveling tv. My favorite was the princess loft. Watching this episode has also made us all the more sure that we want to get rid of more of the “stuff” that is weighing down our lives and that we really want to downsize the size of our home.
To update you all on our current progress; we are purging and re-purging many areas of our home and the kids are totally on board.
We are not pushing our kids into getting rid of anything. While we have always maintained a rule that states, “if it doesn’t fit on your current shelf or in your current toy storage solutions, then you need to get rid of some stuff”, there still seems to be a lot of extra toys/little crap in our house. The girls have seen me going through my own things, have asked me why, and have engaged in “less is more” conversations with me. They have also been fascinated with the tiny houses on YouTube and the like. It didn’t take them long to realize that the house has been less messy lately and they’ve had to do less chores. All of these life lessons have encouraged them to go through their own belongings quite thoroughly. While I did implement a 30 hanger maximum for each of my girls, for this season’s clothing (after my “35 hanger closet” exercise for myself, including all of my winter and summer clothes), I did not tell them to get rid of anything else. They keep bringing bags and bags of stuff up, all by their little lonesomes, to go into the massive, ever-growing yard-sale pile that has taken over one whole bay of our garage! (this is after we donated an almost full van’s worth of stuff!) Kids are surprisingly eager to get rid of their stuff, get the money from it, and use it to do more fun things and enjoy life.
Soon, you will get to see a picture of everything that we have gotten rid of. The huge yard sale is in August. ๐Ÿ™‚
Until then, keep rethinking your life! What can you do without that is taking precious time, money, and energy from you?
Also… WATCH EPISODE #1!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ And then tell me all the space-saving tips that you implement, or just cool ones that I haven’t heard of.


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