A Simple Modern Life

Living a simple, sustainable, modern life… with vintage flair!

Bathroom Paint-over: ALL DONE! July 27, 2014

Filed under: DIY — asimplemodernlife @ 12:33 pm
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Finally! I feel like I have been painting all week! Oh, wait… I have.
After painting the walls and cabinets, we tore off the shower door. The door was slightly broken anyway and I don’t like doors on showers. To replace it, we just grabbed an inexpensive, very short, shower rod, folded a vinyl shower curtain in half, and hung it up! I got the shower curtain over a year ago and have been hanging on to it. It was from CB2, and is the view from Brooklyn into Manhattan (when it’s all opened up and not folded in half). My husband was born in Brooklyn, so we kind of have a weak spot for Brooklyn-y stuff. 🙂
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We literally ripped the door off, then there were just a few screws holding the frame in place on either side of the shower door opening. We unscrewed and removed the frame and viola! It was gone and found its new home in the dumpster! (Don’t worry, I did try to figure out how to reuse it, but to no avail. It was in pretty bad shape.)
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We also grabbed a few hand towels and a bathmat in a bright teal to kind of go with the inside of the cabinets. It’s not the same exact color, but in this small town, it was the best I could do!
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This is not a huge “reveal”, but it’s not a huge room. One thing it is, is a huge relief! Our daughters are so much happier. In the words of our oldest, Adia, “Now I don’t feel like I’m walking into a cave every time I come in here!”
So let’s see some before and after pictures of the “cave”:
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We only spent about $25 on this bathroom mini makeover paintover. It looks so much better, brighter, and fresher!
What are you waiting for? Go paint something!


2 Responses to “Bathroom Paint-over: ALL DONE!”

  1. Lois Field Says:

    This turned out so cute and it’s so much brighter. Paint really is the cheapest way to make a huge impact in a room.

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